Available since v5.0.0+
The PDF Generator Add-on comes with a PDF Page Break element, which can be found under HTML Elements section.
With this element you can define when a new PDF page should be started/created.
You can also define if the new page should have a different page orientation (landscape/portrait) compared to the previous page. This element should give you more control over how your PDF would be generated and is especially helpful for forms that have dynamic sizes (for instance if you have conditional logic that hide/show fields based on user selections, or if you have a "Add more+" column where users can duplicate fields which will increase your form size and thus the page content size).
Without this element the PDF would possibly split an element in half, making 50% of the element visible on the bottom of page 1, and the other 50% of the element visible on the top of page 2 in your PDF. This can now be tackled with the PDF Page Break.
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